5 Unique Custom Golf Ball Markers

5 Unique Custom Golf Ball Marker Designs

5 Unique Custom Golf Ball Markers

5 Unique Custom Golf Ball Marker Designs

5 Unique Custom Golf Ball Markers

Golf ball markers are important for golfers, but a custom one can add style to your game. At Be The Ball 4U, we create custom golf ball markers for tournaments, businesses, events, charities, and more. For 20 years our customers have sent us their logos, pictures, and design ideas over the years. They want us to create a special ball marker for their event.

We wanted to share 5 unique custom golf ball marker designs that have been built over the years. We think you might like them.

Send Us a Picture and We'll Give You A Perfect Custom Ball Marker

1: The Darby Equipment Company Ball Marker

Darby Equipment Company asked us to create a ball marker for their golf event. They sent us an email with a picture of one of their pipe bending machines they built and asked us to turn it into a ball marker.

We did just that. We turned a basic photo into a special ball marker that matches their brand perfectly. See the image below for the final result. A truly unique custom golf ball marker indeed.

Custom Golf Ball Markers - Gilda Radner
Unique Custom Golf Ball Marker

Live From New York, It's Saturday Night

2:The Gilda Radner Ball Marker

This is one of our favorite unique golf ball markers and one of the more complex designs. Drawing on inspiration from an image of Gilda laughing we were able to outline this ball marker with Gilda’s signature smile and hair, complete with a red bow . This ball marker is a fitting tribute to the beloved SNL star.

Custom Golf Ball Markers Gilda Radner
Unique Custom Golf Ball Marker

Come Sail Away With Me

3: The Coves Golf Club Ball Marker

The Coves Golf Club in Oklahoma had unique custom golf ball markers made for one of their golf events. The custom golf marker has a custom sailboat shape complete with an image of a female golfer. Plenty of sharp edges and bold colors make this custom golf ball marker one of a kind.

Custom Golf Ball Markers The Coves Country Club
Unique Custom Golf Ball Marker

Wasting Away Again in Margaritaville, I Mean Pargaritaville?

4: The Pargaritaville Ball Marker

This fun, yet unique golf ball marker is full of bright colors and parrots drinking a yummy margarita. This was one of the more difficult ball marker designs we’ve done. Notice the detail in parrots, drinking straws and pirate hats. The custom lettering on this metal ball marker gives the design and over the top look and feel.

Custom Golf Ball Markers PargaritaVille
Unique Custom Golf Ball Marker

Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

5: Diamonds, Denim and Divots Custom Golf Ball Marker

We made this stylish custom golf ball marker for a women’s golf event and nothing says style like Swarovski crystals. We started with a blue background. We carefully created a cowboy ball marker with raised metal designs of a cowboy hat, boots, and a lasso. To finish it off, we hand placed Swarovski crystals to each of these unique crystal ball markers making a ball marker to remember.

Ball Marker bling denim and diamonds
Custom Swarovski Golf Ball Marker

No Ball Marker Design is Too Complex at Be The Ball 4U

As you can see we can handle just about any custom ball marker design request that you can throw our way. Whether it’s an image turned into a ball marker, a business logo to reflect your brand at your golf event, or a custom ball marker with Swarovski Crystals, Be The Ball 4U can get it done! Contact us today for your custom golf ball marker needs.

How to Properly Mark Your Golf Ball

Golf Ball Marking Rules

How to Properly Mark Your Golf Ball

Golf Ball Marking Rules

How to Properly Mark Your Golf Ball

In the game of golf, marking your ball on the putting green is more than a mere formality; it’s a fundamental aspect of golf etiquette and adherence to the rules. Properly marking your ball is essential for ensuring fair play and showing respect to your fellow golfers. With a custom marker from Be The Ball 4U, you can add a personal flair to this crucial process without overshadowing the game’s integrity.

Key Steps to Proper Ball Marking:

  1. Be Prepared with a Marker: Before you even approach the green, make sure you have an appropriate marker at the ready. Whether it’s a coin or a flat, custom marker from Be The Ball 4U, having a marker that reflects your personal style can also be a great conversation starter among players.

  2. Marking Your Ball’s Position: The Rules of Golf, as outlined by the R&A and the USGA, allow for flexibility in marking your ball. You may place a ball-marker directly behind or next to your ball to indicate its spot. While consistency in your marking placement can help avoid confusion, using a distinctive custom ball marker from Be The Ball 4U ensures your ball’s position is easily identifiable.

  3. Adjusting Your Marker if Needed: Flexibility and consideration are key aspects of golf etiquette. If your marker is in the path of another player’s putt, the rules permit you to move your marker one or more clubhead-lengths to the side, ensuring you use a fixed point as a reference to replace it accurately. This adjustment demonstrates respect and consideration for your fellow players.

  4. Replacing Your Marker: It’s crucial to return your marker to its original position before putting, in adherence to Rule 9.4b. This rule helps maintain the integrity of the game by avoiding unnecessary penalties for moving the ball or marker improperly.

Be Careful of Marker Movements

When adjusting your ball marker on the green, it’s essential to do so with precision. The Rules of Golf provide clear guidance on how to shift your marker accurately, using a fixed point as a reference, and emphasize the importance of promptly returning the marker to its original spot once your partner has putted. This practice not only adheres to the rules but also upholds the sport’s spirit of fairness.


What are The Penalties Associated With Improper Ball Marking

Incorrect marking or failing to replace your marker correctly can result in penalties that affect your score. For instance, lifting or deliberately touching your ball at rest without marking it incurs one penalty stroke, with specific exceptions on the putting green. Being aware of these rules can help you avoid unnecessary penalties and ensure a smooth, enjoyable game.

The Benefits of Proper Ball Marking:

Marking your ball correctly is integral to a fair and enjoyable round of golf. It allows for the cleaning of the ball, ensures accurate putting, and, when using markers from Be The Ball 4U, adds a personal touch to your game. Proper marking practices prevent potential penalties and contribute to a seamless golfing experience.


FAQs on Ball Marking:

  • Can I use any object to mark my ball on the green?

    • Yes, any small, flat object like a coin or a custom ball marker from Be The Ball 4U can be used, provided it clearly indicates the ball’s position.
  • What should I do if my ball marker accidentally moves?

    • According to Rule 13.1d(2), if the ball marker moves accidentally (by the player, their equipment, or another ball), there is no penalty. You should replace the marker to its original location to maintain accuracy and fairness.

By embracing the proper techniques for marking your ball on the putting green and understanding the associated rules, golfers can navigate the course with confidence and respect. Custom markers from Be The Ball 4U not only adhere to these principles but also offer a unique way to express your personality and enhance your golfing experience.